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The PMRA has completed its review of products containing captan (Maestro and Supra Captan and any other formulations) for tender fruit. The label changes will take place by May, 2020. A summary of this review is provided below.



  • Restricted number of applications per season: 10 for high density, 2 for standard plantings
  • Reduced maximum rate, based on products with 80% a.i.: 3 kg/ha (from 3.75 kg/ha on previous labels)
  • Longer REI: duration depending on activity and whether or not planting is high density



Maximum Application




Maximum Number of Applications per year,

Minimum RTI

Additional Application Instructions

Apple and pear orchards that have high density production where the maximum canopy width per tree is 2 m (1 m to reach center or trunk from the row alley). These tree architectural restrictions are to minimize worker contact with treated foliage.

3 kg/ha

(2.4 kg a.i./ha)

Hand thinning fruit, hand


15 days

10 applications, 7 days apart

Apply 3 kg product under conditions of low to moderate disease pressure only. If disease pressure is high or conditions are conducive for high disease pressure, either tank mix captan at the 3 kg product with another fungicide registered for control of the same disease, or switch to another fungicide registered for control of the same disease.

Hand pruning, training

6 days

All other activities

2 daysc

Non-High Density Apple and Pear Orchards: Apple and pear orchards that do not meet the requirements specified for high density apple and pear


2.4 kg a.i./ha (3 kg product)

Hand thinning fruit

24 days

Apply a maximum of 2 applications per year. Minimum RTI 7 days. When hand thinning is performed, make 1 application beforehand thinning fruit and 1 application after hand thinning fruit.

Hand harvesting

19 days

Hand pruning, training

4 days

All other activities

2 daysc


RTI = retreatment interval (time between applications)


a REI = Restricted-Entry Interval. REIs longer than 12 hours apply to hand labour tasks. If the REI for hand harvesting and the pre-harvest interval (PHI) are different, follow the longer of the two intervals. Mechanical harvesting could occur after the PHI provided there is no worker contact with treated foliage. If the REI is 12 hours and a PHI is not specified, entry is not permitted until after 12 hours.

c Current label REI.


Stone fruit:

  • Reduced number of applications: 1 during the season in stone fruit; 1 additional post- harvest in cherry
  • Reduced maximum rate/ha: 4 kg (from max of 4.5 kg/ha on previous labels)
  • Increased REI: Hand thinning 29 days; hand harvest 15 days; all other activities 1 day.



Maximum Application




Maximum Number of Applications per

year, Minimum RTI

Additional Application Instructions

Cherry, peach, plum, apricot, nectarine

4 kg/

(3.2 kg a.i./ha

Hand thinning fruit

29 days

1 application.


Cherry trees are permitted 1 additional application after harvest

Apply preventatively when conditions are favourable for disease development. An application can be made, starting as soon as pink bud, up to pre-harvest.


Apply 4 kg product under conditions of low to moderate disease pressure. If disease pressure is high or conditions are conducive for high disease pressure, either tank mix captan at the 4 kg/ha rate with another fungicide registered for control of the same disease, or switch to another fungicide registered for

control of the same disease.

Hand harvesting

15 days

All other activities

1 day

Standard (Image)
Submitted by Karen Davidson on 1 June 2018