The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has approved the registration of Plutex for control of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (PlxyGV). Andermatt Canada says that the active ingredient is a naturally occurring virus of the pest. This product offers a new and effective choice of control that does not impact the population of beneficial insects in the field. The company says it’s a new mode of action that manages potential resistance to current products on the market.
The active ingredient in Plutex is a highly selective pathogen of the diamondback moth. It infects larvae by ingestion and passage through the digestive organs. Baculoviruses, such as the active ingredient in this product, co-evolved with, and have only been found in, insects. Members of the genus Betabaculovirus, which includes PlxyGV, do not infect Hymenopteran pollinators (such as bees), parasitoids or insect predators such as praying mantis and ladybird beetles. No member of the virus family to which PlxyGV belongs has been found in vertebrates or plants and PlxyGV does not replicate in mammalian cells. Baculoviruses do not affect or infect fish, wildlife, humans or beneficial organisms.
Plutex has a minimum four-hour re-entry interval and zero pre-harvest interval, allowing the scheduling of workers for key tasks and timely harvest of produce. Similar to other virus products, Plutex has excellent tank mix compatibility with most common registered crop protection products.
Andermatt Canada Inc. develops, produces and distributes products for Canadian agriculture, apiary and forestry.
For more information, contact Colin Smith central and western Canada at 519-373-6520 or colin.smith@andermattcanada.ca. For the Maritimes, contact Samantha Haley, 902-397-0409 or sam.haley@andermattcanada.ca
Source: Andermatt Canada August 9, 2023 news release