Ontario farmers and vendors who need to become certified in pesticide safety have paid the samecertification fee since 2008. To maintain the sustainability of the Ontario Pesticide Education Program
which offers certification courses, the OPEP Steering Committee has approved nominal fee increases.
Effective November 1, 2022, the following fees will apply:
- Grower Pesticide Safety Course: $135
- Pesticide Vendor Certification Course: $235
- On-Farm Instructor Course: $75
- Farmer Assistant training: $30
The Ontario Pesticide Education Program has many options for growers and vendors to becomecertified in the next 2022-2023 training season. Options include the very popular online course, which
offers information and assessments that can be completed at the learner’s convenience, as well as in-person courses and test sessions led by experienced instructors. These options are available to growers
and vendors requiring first time certification or re-certification. Sign up on opep.ca or call 1-800-652-8573.
The Ontario Pesticide Education Program has offered courses since 1987. The courses focus onpesticide safety, health and environmental risk management, pesticide application and integrated pest
management. Currently more than 22,000 growers, 1,300 vendors and nearly 300 on-farm instructors are certified through the program. The program is supported by growers, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, pesticide manufacturers and retailers.
Source: University of Guelph-Ridgetown October 13, 2022 news release