The Invasive Species Centre has developed signage to raise awareness about Spotted Lanternfly, its potential effects on vineyards, and measures the public can take to reduce the spread.
The signs are metal and measure approx. 18x12 inches, with holes at the top and bottom for installation on a metal t-post. To view the sign, please click HERE. The signs would be most effective if installed on properties close to the Bruce Trail, conservation areas, parks or other congregation points for outdoor activities. Currently, there are signs installed at each of the following locations: Pelee Island Winery, The Greenway trailhead (Essex Region Conservation Authority), and the Royal Botanical Gardens.
Please contact Emily Posteraro, program development coordinator at the Invasive Species Centre if you are interested in obtaining a sign: eposteraro@invasivespeciescentre.ca.
Source: Grape Growers of Ontario May 26, 2023 newsletter