Trusted source. It’s not a tag line but a mission that The Grower takes very seriously as Canada’s premier horticultural publication. And now the publication is showing a fresh new online look with more benefits for almost 11,000 readers.
“It’s been six years since the last website was introduced,” says Karen Davidson, editor, “so it’s timely and future-looking to refresh our online brand and services. New features include a faster, more intuitive navigational experience for our readers and more messaging opportunities that provide better analytic reporting for our advertisers.”
A powerful, time-saving aid on the new site is the keyword search. Click on the MAGNIFYING GLASS icon on the top navigation bar and enter what you’re looking for. Type in “chlorothalonil” for example, and you’ll find several stories on this important crop protection active ingredient.
The Grower’s print edition is delivered to almost 11,000 readers across Canada every month but feel free to recycle. Archived PDF versions of the paper going back to January 2020 can be found on the website under the “PRINT ISSUE” tab.
And not enough time to read feature articles? The PODCASTS library provides both background and in-depth insight on all our cover stories - while you multi-task!
Stay up to date. Click on the SIGN-UP link on the top navigation bar to have The Grower’s weekly e-newsletter in your email box at 7:00 every Tuesday morning.
“Our award-winning photography reminds everyone that our boots are in the field, where real ag news is being made and where newsmakers are leading the way,” says Davidson. “We fully intend to keep up that tradition in the years ahead at www.thegrower.org.”
For advertising enquiries and the editorial calendar, email Carlie Melara at advertising@thegrower.org.