Meaford is a hot spot of apple production in Ontario. And what better way to celebrate this harvest season than with an exciting, new exhibit at the Grey Roots Museum & Archives. It’s entitled Peeling Back the Layers: Apples in Grey!
The interactive exhibit takes visitors through the evolution of the industry, from early Canadian apple trees to modern high-density dwarf trees. Families can test out apple processing tools, dress up like a 1920s apple picker, and learn about the science of seeds.
If you notice a familiar face at the exhibit, it’s Stedley Stephenson’s picture from the front page of the October issue of The Grower. Stedley, who has been returning to Ontario to pick produce for 38 seasons now, is an example of the thousands of seasonal workers who make apple harvesting possible. Stedley’s story is repeated across the province and country, from John Ardiel’s orchards in Clarksburg, Ontario to the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia.
The Grey Roots exhibit was made possible by the generous donation of one of the industry’s own leaders in Ontario. Bill and Phyllis Vail of Vail’s Orchards in Meaford made a significant donation to Grey Roots in 2012 following Bill’s retirement from the County. Grey Roots also thanks the exhibit sponsor ImageWraps. For more information, go to greyroots.com
Source: greyroots.com