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Amanda Tracey
Amanda Tracey

Effective April 23, Amanda Tracey begins a new role as OMAFRA vegetable crop specialist based in Ridgetown. Her field crops portfolio includes: tomatoes, peppers, sugar beets, eggplant, chicory and table beets.


Since August 2017, she has been the acting greenhouse vegetable IPM specialist, developing approaches to emerging pest issues. This was a natural continuum to her previous work with the Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers as the grower outreach intern. In that role, she assisted growers with environmental compliance approvals for storm-water management, while also providing counsel on urgent pest management concerns.


Amanda has a Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Science from the University of Guelph and a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science from the University of Windsor. She has several years of experience in integrated pest management of greenhouse vegetables. After graduation she worked at several commercial greenhouses and at Crop Defenders Ltd. as an IPM advisor.

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 16 April 2018