Fox Seeds Inc. has announced that Cindy Rouet will be joining the team as a new asparagus breeder on May 3. She will be working closely with Dr. Dave Wolyn to transition the University of Guelph’s asparagus breeding program to Fox Seeds over the next two years. She will then oversee and expand future private breeding of new asparagus varieties for both Ontario growers and international markets.
Ken Wall, president, Fox Seeds states, “Cindy’s experience in design and conducting trials and in marker-assisted selection, along with her enthusiasm, versatility, and willingness to learn will be a valuable addition to the Fox Seeds team.”
She is currently working as the rose breeder research assistant for the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre while concurrently completing her Ph.D., which she will defend in April 2021.
Fox Seeds was incorporated on February 9, 2012. It was created from the asparagus seed business that had been developed over the years by the Asparagus Farmers of Ontario. Fox Seeds has the exclusive rights to produce seed from the asparagus hybrids developed by the breeding program at the University of Guelph. Commercial varieties are the best-selling Guelph Millennium as well as two newer varieties: Guelph Eclipse and Guelph Equinox.
Source: Fox Seeds March 11, 2021 news release