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Todd McMyn
Todd McMyn

Two executive positions at the B.C. Tree Fruit Cooperative have new faces – Todd McMyn and Ross Dwhytie are the cooperative’s new CEO and CFO, respectively.


On April 1, 2019, McMyn joined the cooperative with previous experience as CEO of a successful manufacturing and trading corporation involved in high tech products infrastructure. He has also consulted on agricultural projects globally, travelling to more than 50 countries including international trade missions with the B.C. government.


On April 8, Dwhytie joined the cooperative, bringing a strong background in finance and a wealth of knowledge and strategic ability to help move the organization forward. As a CPA and CA, he has 15 plus years of experience in both public practice and industry.


The BC Tree Fruits Cooperative families packs several fruit commodities including apples, cherries, pears, peaches, nectarines, apricots, prunes, plums and grapes. 


Source: B.C. Tree Fruits Cooperative, April 9, 2019 news release

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Submitted by Robyn Meerveld on 11 April 2019