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The federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, has announced funding of approximately $13.5 million to support a new application intake under the Youth Employment and Skills Program (YESP). The initiative will provide the agricultural sector with help needed to support approximately 1,200 jobs for youth in the sector.


The YESP offers support for 50 per cent of wages up to a maximum of $14,000 to agriculture employers hiring Canadian youth. Employers that hire youth facing employment barriers will be eligible for 80 per cent of the cost of salaries and benefits (to a maximum of $14,000) and may be eligible for an additional $5,000 to address specific obstacles to employment.


The program supports the following employees:


- Indigenous;

- youth living with a disability – including physical, mental health related or learning disability;

- racialized youth;

- recent newcomers to Canada (within 5 years);

- single parent;

- living in a low income household;

- individual who left high school;

- residing in a remote, northern and/or fly-in community;

- living in an Official Language Minority Community; and



Employers can apply between February 26, 2024 and March 25, 2024 for their project to be considered. Applications from Indigenous employers will be prioritized for the 2024-2025 program year. Application forms for the YESP are available through the webpage. For additional information, contact Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada by email  or by calling 1-866-452-5558.


Source:  Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada February 22, 2024 news release


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 23 February 2024