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The website for Mastronardi Produce’s Backyard Farms’ brand has a fresh look,  putting the Maine-based greenhouse tomato brand on a colourful and immersive new platform. Users can look forward to a more intuitive experience.

“We wanted a website redesign that captured the essence of the Backyard Farms brand and history: authentic, fresh, and local,” explains Kira Pocedic, brand manager at Mastronardi Produce. “The result is a design that is responsive and interactive and aesthetics that really do justice to the quality of product offered at Backyard Farms.”

The Backyard Farms brand has been known for its unique primary colours and emblematic white picket fence that evoke simplicity and community. The updates incorporate those elements while taking the website from a basic static site to one that brings the greenhouse tomato brand to life. Images of plump, full-colour tomatoes are so vivid that one can nearly sense their texture, aroma, and flavour. The website’s “How We Grow” page highlights fascinating greenhouse growing details interspersed with stunning photography of the facilities.

“Backyard Farms has a long history in Maine of growing locally, employing locally, and serving the community,” notes Paul Mastronardi, president & CEO of Mastronardi Produce. “It’s important that the brand pays tribute to that, and this redesign showcases some of the amazing talent behind our incredible Backyard Farms produce.”

Backyard Farms is well-known in the region for its sweet and juicy tomatoes on the vine, cocktail tomatoes, and beefsteak tomatoes that are hand-picked at peak flavour. The brand’s produce is locally grown in Maine, Michigan, Colorado, and New York with more locations planned starting in 2023.

Savour the flavour of the new Backyard Farms website at


Source: Mastronardi Produce October 25, 2022 news release

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 26 October 2022