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Updated versions of the CanadaGAP Food Safety Manuals have now been released.


1)    Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Manual, Version 10.0


2)    Greenhouse Product Manual, Version 10.0


For certification purposes, the new manuals will take effect on April 1, 2023. A corresponding update to the CanadaGAP audit checklist will be issued before that date.


Resources on the CanadaGAP Website


To help with the transition, the following resources can be found on the CanadaGAP website. 


  • -  Updated manuals (free download)
  • -  Documents outlining the main changes to the manuals
  • -  Revisions documents tracking the changes from the previous version of the manuals 
  • -  Document summarizing commodity-specific differences
  • -  Chart outlining which sections of the manual are applicable to different types of operations (i.e., production, packing, storing, repacking, wholesaling, brokerage)
  • -  PowerPoint presentation on the main changes


New for 2023: Greenhouse Food Safety Manual Scope Expansion


The most significant change for Version 10.0 of the manuals is the expanded scope for the Greenhouse Food Safety Manual. In partnership with the Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) and aided by funding from AAFC, CanadaGAP expanded the scope of the Greenhouse Food Safety program.


Starting April 1 2023, operations producing many more greenhouse-grown crops will be able to seek certification under the CanadaGAP program – such as companies producing and packing melons, berries, various root vegetables, cruciferous crops and legumes in a controlled environment. This scope expansion required many additions to the Greenhouse manual to account for the new commodities. 


Note: Many of the new requirements added to the Greenhouse manual were already present in the Fruit and Vegetable manual.


In the coming weeks, expect detailed communication explaining how to update your manual. Additionally, there will be a separate communication announcing the releases of new and updated Spanish resource materials. CanadaGAP maintains seven separate generic HACCP models, which are available to members on the CanadaGAP website. 


Any questions?  Contact or call 613-829-4711.


Source: CanadaGAP January 30, 2023 news release


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 30 January 2023