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The Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) has announced the launch of its 2024-2026 strategic plan which will guide its work beginning in January 2024.


The three-year plan highlights amended vision and mission statements that reflect the values and future goals of the organization as well as the modern landscape of the produce industry.


Vision: Drive industry prosperity and increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.


Mission: Enable the growth and success of an inclusive fresh produce industry by creating opportunities for economic development while enhancing the well-being of Canadians.


Building on the 2015 strategic plan that focused on growing businesses, connecting the industry, and advocating for produce, the newly announced plan outlines three goals that will define CPMA’s success over the next three years. These include:


-  advocating for produce – by increasing produce consumption, addressing supply chain issues, and engaging with the government on industry issues and solutions.


-  connecting the industry by delivering a world-class international convention and trade show, providing business-to-business events in Canada and abroad, and supporting the development and growth of talent within our industry.


-  empowering the industry – by supporting training initiatives that meet the industry’s needs, providing an environment that allows members to identify new innovations, and offering relevant and timely research data on the fresh produce marketplace.


“At CPMA we are dedicated to working for our members and advancing our industry,” said Ron Lemaire, CPMA president. “The landscape of our industry has changed drastically in recent years shifting the priorities of our members. And this is the right time to reposition our organization through this strategic plan and focus our work on meeting the emerging needs of our members.”


CPMA’s 2024-2026 strategic plan also outlines the expansion of the following three initiatives.


Women in produce industry


Building on our diversity, equity and inclusion work in 2019, CPMA has partnered with Grocery Business Magazine to recognize the contributions of women in the industry through the Outstanding Women in Produce initiative. This year, CPMA has formalized a Women in Produce Working Group to encourage an inclusive and diversified workforce in the industry.


Young professionals


In addition to the Passion for Produce program which provides young professionals with mentoring and professional growth opportunities, CPMA will organize several events to increase its engagement with this audience.




CPMA has been at the forefront of enhancing sustainability within the produce industry for years. In 2019, the association established a Packaging Working Group to identify a path forward to address the use of packaging within the produce sector. To expand on the efforts already undertaken, and better understand and support the members' sustainability needs, CPMA:


-  has created a permanent role within the organization entirely dedicated to advancing sustainability.


-  will host a Sustainability Summit focusing on global sustainability in partnership with allied partners on April 26, 2024, in Vancouver right after its annual Convention and Trade Show.


To learn more about the 2024-2026 strategic plan, visit CPMA’s website.


Source:  Canadian Produce Marketing Association October 12, 2023 news release


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 12 October 2023