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Strawberries – adaptable to many climates – are thriving in Mexico. According to 2018 statistics, Mexico was the world’s third-largest exporter, after Spain and the United States. After Mexico, the largest exporters are:  Netherlands, Belgium, Egypt, Morocco, South Korea, Germany and Greece.


In Mexico, the Ministry of Agriculture has recommended more investment in improving plant health.  And that producers initiate dialogue with other countries to obtain phytosanitary requirements for export.


Of most interest, Mexico is promoting intellectual property protection schemes such as geographical recognition of origin and collective or certification marks.  These efforts are expected to position high-quality strawberries for better profits in specific markets.  


As a defensive strategy, the Mexican strawberry trade wants to avoid any non-tariff measures that would stifle exports. To that end, the Ministry of Economy and the Permanent Mission of Mexico at the World Trade Organization is monitoring sanitary and phytosanitary and technical barriers to trade.

Source: November 25, 2019

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 17 December 2019