The labour-focused outreach campaign by the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association (OFVGA) is going to a broader swath of the public with its first advertorial in the National Post. The article profiles three international workers currently working in Ontario edible horticulture and highlights their stories about why they come to Canada.
Available on the National Post website, the article will also run as an advertorial in the November 20 print edition of the newspaper that is distributed in the southern Ontario market. During the last two weeks of November, Postmedia is promoting the article digitally through its online channels as well as running Facebook ads for the More than a migrant worker website.
The article is the first in a four-part series that will address commonly asked questions and concerns about foreign labour in the sector through the stories of the workers themselves. The articles, accompanied by social media and YouTube ads, will be running in waves until next summer to help meet OFVGA’s goal of ensuring horticulture’s voice is part of the broader public narrative around farm labour and seasonal workers.
Web: morethanamigrantworker.ca
Instagram: @mtamigrantwrkr
Facebook: @MtaMigrantWrkr/
Twitter: @mtamigrantwrkr
Source: Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association