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Plant Health Lab will be implementing a pay-for-service model with preferred pricing for Nova Scotia registered farmers
Plant Health Lab will be implementing a pay-for-service model with preferred pricing for Nova Scotia registered farmers

Perennia has been offering some lab services to diagnose and manage problems in tree fruit, vegetable, berry, field and specialty crops for several years. Now, the Plant Health Lab is transitioning to a more comprehensive service with some changes for Nova Scotia growers.


“I am very pleased with how Perennia has grown its lab services from an initial grape virus testing project funded by the province to a comprehensive service for local producers,” says Nova Scotia agriculture minister Greg Morrow.  “Making the thoughtful changes outlined here will help ensure this great resource is sustainable for years to come.”


Effective May 15, 2023 the Plant Health Lab will be implementing a pay-for-service model with preferred pricing for Nova Scotia registered farmers and some exceptions for in-field diagnoses by  agriculture specialists.


Perennia specialists can still perform in-field diagnoses of plant health issues for growers. If a Perennia specialist working with the province’s plant pathologist can visually make an identification, no testing will be triggered unless the producer requests and pays for it with the discounted rates for Nova Scotia registered farms. In those rare instances when NS specialists and plant pathologist are not confident in the diagnosis, they will collect and test a sample free of charge. Regardless of the testing required, the Perennia team will work with industry to address with appropriate strategies.


In all other instances, a pay-per-use system has been implemented to access the Plant Health Lab’s services. This decision was not taken lightly but made to ensure the sustainability of the Lab as well as plan for future investments in the service.

Please find here an overview of the PHL’s current diagnostic capabilities and pricing, as well as how to submit and pay for samples.


Source:  Perennia May 15, 2023 news release


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 15 May 2023