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Peru blueberries
Peru blueberries

In 2020, Peruvian exports of blueberries amounted to US$1.020 billion, up 23.4 per cent compared to 2019 (US$826 million). That’s when Peru became the world’s largest supplier of this superfruit. The Andean country now outpaces Chile says the Association of Peruvian Exporters' Global Business and Economy Research Center (Cien-Adex).


The Cien-Adex Commercial Intelligence coordinator, Lizbeth Pumasunco, explained that blueberries have shown impressive growth since their inclusion in the Peruvian export basket more than 10 years ago. 


"We have an advantage between August and November, because crops are not grown during these months in the case of the United States and Canada as it is winter, and in the case of Chile and Mexico because the blueberry campaign has not started by that time," she pointed out.


Although this favours Peru, she said, it is essential to continue promoting good practices to produce top-quality fruits. 


In this sense, Pumasunco noted that players in this chain must be trained and informed of the characteristics of this fruit's production, which vary in each area.


In 2020, the main exporting regions of this berry were La Libertad (57%), Lambayeque (20%), and Lima (12%).


The main destinations are the United States followed by the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. 


"Peru is the United States' largest supplier of fresh blueberries, with a share of 38.1 per cent,” she noted. “Other important suppliers are Chile (25.4%) and Mexico (22%).


Source:  Andina news agency, March 26, 2021

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 29 March 2021