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Phosmet spraying
Phosmet spraying

Gowan Company has announced that Phosmet, a broad-spectrum insecticide, has been re-evaluated by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency and approved for continued use. 


Specifically, the risk assessment states “Health Canada has determined that continued registration of products containing Phosmet is acceptable with additional risk mitigation measures. An evaluation of available scientific information found that some uses (fruit trees, berries, carrots, celery, potatoes and outdoor ornamentals not grown for cut flowers) of Phosmet products meet current standards for the protection of human health and the environment.” 


Gowan is the data owner and basic manufacturer and distributor of Phosmet globally. 


More information about the details of the ruling are available here:



Source:  Gowan Company January 7, 2021 news release 

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 7 January 2021