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Spotted Lanternfly
Spotted Lanternfly

Sivanto Prime has recently received a User Requested Minor Use Label Expansion (URMULE) for suppression of Spotted Lanternfly on pome fruits (CG 11), stone fruits (CG 12) and grapes (CG 13-07F). 


The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) expedited this approval at the request of the minor use sponsors, so that registration could be in place in time for the upcoming 2024 season. This registration was due to the efforts from minor use, grower groups and the PMRA to get this registration so quickly in case it is needed.


The rate of Sivanto Prime for Spotted Lanternfly suppression is 500-750 mL/Ha (200-300 mL/ac) for all crops listed above.


Pre-harvest intervals are as follows:


Pome fruit (apples/pears) – 14 days


Stone fruit – 14 days


Grapes – 0 days Re-entry for Sivanto Prime is 12 hours for all activities


NOTE: Other than isolated findings in materials shipped from the U.S., SPOTTED LANTERNFLY HAS NOT BEEN DETECTED IN ONTARIO AS OF THE DATE OF THIS POSTING, May 23, 2024.


Spotted lanternfly has not been found to cause losses in yield or fruit quality or impact viability of tree fruit. However, it may stop to feed on it before it moves to a more attractive crop, such as grapes.


Source:  ONFruit e-newsletter, May 23,2024


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 27 May 2024