Three organizations will receive up to $2.1 million under the AgriCompetitiveness program to support development opportunities for Canadian youth in agriculture.
Canadian 4-H Council (4-H Canada) will receive up to $1.8 million over two years to develop new curriculum and resources that empower youth through leadership programs, aimed at growing their practical knowledge and skills in key areas concerning Canadian agriculture. Through this project, 4-H Canada will reach an increased number of youth in diverse audiences, create new mentorship opportunities and advance awareness of Canadian agriculture, food literacy and exciting careers in the agri-food sector.
Canadian Young Farmers' Forum (CYFF) will receive up to $195,168 over two years to build industry capacity and provide training and education to young farmers across Canada. With this support, CYFF will create new initiatives to address specific needs for the reality young farmers are facing today, in order to provide them with the additional knowledge and skills required to increase their operations' profitability and efficiency.
Canada's Outstanding Young Farmers (COYF) will receive up to $119,724 over two years to support its seven regional recognition events, as well as its three-day national recognition event. These events are held each year to recognize young farmers who exemplify excellence in their profession and to promote the tremendous contribution of agriculture to Canada and its economy. Funding will also be used to increase agriculture awareness and support the continued positive growth of public trust in the agricultural sector.
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada May 9, 2022 news release