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Downy mildew on hops
Downy mildew on hops

Downy mildew on hops.


The Global Minor Use Foundation announced the top 10 new global minor use projects selected as a result of a year’s worth of worldwide effort culminating in the virtual Global Minor Use Priority-Setting workshop this past September 2020. 


Jim Chaput, minor use coordinator for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), congratulates Christine Gagnon from Pest Management Centre, MAPAQ and OMAFRA specialists Julien Venne, Melanie Filotas and Katie Goldenhar for taking the lead on the hops downy mildew project. In collaboration with the EU and the U.S., this project was included in the top 10.


Other projects of interest to Canada include the downy mildew on onions, Tuta absoluta on greenhouse-grown tomatoes and spotted wing drosophila on berries.  In fact, all of the greenhouse-grown crop and temperate crop projects are of interest to Canadian producers. 


For details, link here:


Source:   Jim Chaput, minor use coordinator, OMAFRA.  

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 15 December 2020