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Emily Lutz, executive director, Nova Scotia Fruit Growers’ Association and MP Kody Blois (Kings Hants).
Emily Lutz, executive director, Nova Scotia Fruit Growers’ Association and MP Kody Blois (Kings Hants).

The 159th Annual Convention of the Nova Scotia Fruit Growers’ Association (NSFGA) was held in-person for the first time in two years at the Old Orchard Inn in Greenwich, Nova Scotia, from January 24-26th reports Emily Lutz, executive director.


The Golden Apple Award was presented to David Power of Power Farms in Pereaux for “Outstanding Contribution to the Industry.”


Davis was recognized for his years of service to the industry while employed by Cavendish, as well as the many years he spent working for the betterment of the industry as an active member of the NSFGA and his national work through being the NSFGA FVGC representative.


The Honourary Membership is awarded to the person who was president of NSFGA 20 years prior, which this year was NSFGA treasurer and long-time board member, Doug Nichols of Apple Lane Farm in Morristown.


Nova Scotia Minister of Agriculture Greg Morrow attended, as well as the region’s two MPs, Kody Blois (Kings Hants) and Chris d’Entremont (West Nova), five other provincial MLAs, and two local Mayors of Kings County and Kentville.


Wednesday speakers included the event keynote Dave Gleason, of Yakima, Washington, who was named the 2022 American Fruit Grower Apple Grower of the Year. He spoke about orchard renewal economics.  Highlights included OMAFRA IPM specialist Kristy Grigg-McGuffin who talked about PMRA adaptation, and Scotian Gold Tree Fruit Horticulturalist Danny Davison who talked about the history and successes of the Nova Scotia industry.


The 2023 board remains relatively the same as the prior year, with the addition of Alex Sarsfield from Sarsfield Farms, Medford. Janet Chappel continues as president.


Presentations were given by Perennia as well as local researchers Shawkat Ali, Ian Willick and Harrison Wright, on summer disease, pneumatic defoliation, and storage disorders respectively.


Source:  Nova Scotia Fruit Growers’ Association February 15, 2023 communique


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 19 February 2023