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Take time to put safety first on roadways, on your farm and for your family. Be alert, use your lights, share the road and watch carefully as you turn onto public roadways and make left hand turns across traffic. 

We can’t anticipate what other motorists will do, or how they’ll react to sharing the road this spring with farm equipment. Roads, bridges and traffic circles aren’t built to accommodate machinery and a lot more motorists are increasingly impatient around slow-moving vehicles. So always start with safety.


Use lights, taillights and signals to make your equipment as visible as possible to other motorists. Always display your slow-moving vehicle sign prominently on the back of your equipment. These signs are only meant to be affixed to vehicles and it is an offence to have these signs on roadside posts or to affix them on vehicles travelling more than 40 kmph. 

Take the extra time to wait for an opening onto a main roadway that will give you enough time to get on the road and be visible.


Source:  Ontario Federation of Agriculture April 14, 2023 newsletter


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 17 April 2023