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The Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers’ Association (OFVGA) is working with Vineland Research and Innovation Centre to better understand what types of sustainable practices are currently being used on Ontario fruit and vegetable farms (e.g. energy and water use efficiency, soil health, waste management, crop inputs). There are no right or wrong answers, we just want to learn about the diversity of production practices that are used on Ontario fruit and vegetable farms. The survey is anonymous and only aggregate information will be reported.


The results will be used by the OFVGA to showcase the work that the Ontario fruit and vegetable sector has already done to be environmentally sustainable over the years and to guide the OFVGA’s future sustainability efforts. This information is crucial to informing future discussions with government and the public.


The survey will be open for two weeks between April 24th-May 5th. The survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete.


There are two different surveys, depending on your production system – one for outdoor (field, orchard, vineyard) and one for greenhouse production.


Outdoor grower survey:


Greenhouse grower survey:


Questions about the survey, can be directed to Gordon Stock, OFVGA, at or 519-803-8413, or Alexandra Grygorczyk, research scientist, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre ( or 905-562-0320 x672).


Source:  Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers’ Association April 24, 2023


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 24 April 2023