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The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) recently announced the approval of a minor use label expansion registration for Posterity fungicide for suppression of Fusarium internal rot on greenhouse pepper and Botrytis grey mould in Canada. Posterity fungicide was already labeled for disease control on a wide range of crops in Canada. These minor use proposals were submitted by Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Pest Management Centre (AAFC-PMC) as a joint project with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) IR-4 project as a result of minor use priorities established by growers and extension personnel.


The following is provided as an abbreviated, general outline only. Users should be making disease management decisions within a robust integrated disease management program and should consult the complete label before using Posterity fungicide.




Rate (L of product / ha)

Application Information

PHI (days)

Greenhouse Peppers

Suppression of Fusarium internal rot


Apply no more than 2 foliar and no more than 2 drench applications for a maximum of 3 applications or total of 375 g ai/ha per crop cycle. Optimal control is achieved with a program of multiple applications. Apply in sufficient water volume to obtain thorough coverage. For foliar application a minimum spray volume of 150 L/ha is recommended.   Apply when plants are flowering or when conditions are favourable for infection. DO NOT apply to peppers intended for transplant out to fields.


Greenhouse Lettuce

Suppression of Botrytis Grey Mold


Apply in sufficient water volume to obtain thorough coverage.  For foliar application a minimum spray volume of 150 L/ha is recommended. Increase water volumes as the canopy density increases.  Apply when conditions are favourable for infection.  DO NOT apply to lettuce intended for transplant out to fields



For a copy of the new minor use label contact your local greenhouse vegetable crops specialist, your regional supply outlet, or visit the PMRA label site


Source: Josh Mosiondz, minor use coordinator, OMAFRA, Guelph.


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 19 June 2023