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Ninchino melons in Mexico
Ninchino melons in Mexico

Nichino America Inc has formed a new subsidiary, Nichino Mexico de S. de R.L. de C.V., to manage and promote the crop protection business in Mexico. 

Based in Wilmington, Delaware, the company has established Nichino Mexico to provide improved service and accelerate the introduction of novel technologies into the Mexican market.  

“Nichino America is excited about the establishment of Nichino Mexico as it will allow our organization to better serve the Mexican market at a deeper level,” says Jeffrey Johnson, president of Nichino America. “The product portfolio provided by Nichino Mexico will provide agricultural suppliers, distributors, and growers in Mexico excellent crop protection options to control some of their most troublesome pests. Additionally, the establishment of this subsidiary strengthens the position of our parent company, Nihon Nohyaku, as a global agrochemical company,” adds Johnson.


Source:  Nichino America October 22, 2020 news release

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 26 October 2020