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Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, BioSafe Systems’ AXXE broad- spectrum herbicide has been approved for foliar spray treatment around food crops and cannabis in Canada.


The produce can now be used in berries, grapes, orchards, carrots, ginseng, onions, potatoes, hops, cannabis, nursery crops (field and container-grown plants), greenhouse crops (including ornamentals), melons, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, herbs, mushrooms, garlic, cauliflower etc., if they are protected from contact with the spray solution.


AXXE broad-spectrum herbicide is a highly effective non-selective, broad-spectrum herbicide. Its glyphosate-free formula penetrates the cell walls of a plant, causing weeds to collapse and die. The product provides rapid burndown of the plant with control of up to three weeks. It is tank-mix compatible with other pre and post-emergent herbicides, not affected by temperature, leaves no residue and will not migrate into the soil.


The product is available in 19L, 113.5L, 208L and 1041L containers.


The full label can be found on BioSafe Systems’ Canadian website:



Source:  BioSafe Systems news release

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 12 August 2019