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Miniature apples win big at Asia Fruit Logistica

The Kiwis have made a big impression at Hong Kong’s Asia Fruit Logistica with their campaign for miniature apples in China. The New Zealand company called Rockit Global has not only marketed bite-sized apples but packaged them in recyclable tubes. 


According to the trade show’s news release, China has grown rapidly to account for 50 per cent of Rockit’s global sales. The Hawke’s Bay company launched a consumer-centric marketing campaign in 2019 focusing on the functionality and benefits of Rockit apples.


The campaign aimed to appeal directly to Rockit’s target demographics of children (and their caregivers) as well as busy young professionals. Rockit apples were positioned as a healthy and convenient snack alternative for parents and grandparents collecting children from school, and for young professionals seeking healthy snacking optionsEduardo (19) throughout their working day.


With a tagline in Mandarin ‘This little goodness you can hold,’ Rockit undertook a number of promotional activities, including a campaign for Children’s Day on June 1. Rockit also cooperated with leading Chinese fruit store chain Pagoda. E-commerce has been a key sales channel for Rockit in China. A strategic move was to join the New Zealand Food Basket alliance, which launched its first New Zealand Flagship store on Tmall Fresh, in addition to opening a flagship store on


Source:  Asia Fruit Logistica September 3, 2019 news release

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 4 September 2019