Must-Grow Biologics Corp is an agricultural biotech company developing and commercializing a portfolio of natural, science-based bio-pesticides and bio-fertility products. The company has finalized its advanced liquid formulation of a mustard-…
- Control of powdery mildew is available for globe artichokes and greenhouse eggplant with the label expansion of Nova fungicide.
- Kanemite miticide label has been expanded for control of spider mites on hops in Canada.
- Tilt 250E foliar fungicide is now registered for control of Cercospora Leaf Spot in garden beets.
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved the first active ingredient, Vectorite, of Bee Vectoring Technologies, based in Mississauga, Ontario. Commercially-reared bumblebees deliver the biopesticide as they visit flowering fruits - a…