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Third-party certification bodies are licensed by CanadaGAP to provide audit and certification services for

fresh fruit and vegetable operations which are enrolled in the program. Program participants must comply with food safety standards outlined by CanadaGAP and undergo and successfully complete on-site audits by their selected Certification Body to obtain and maintain CanadaGAP certification. 


Control Union is an organization with a global presence dedicated to independent inspection, verification, supervision and certification. Consistent with its mission and vision, it provides services in a safe, reliable, profitable and independent manner at the highest possible level; at the same time, it offers good conditions for its collaborators. Control Union recognizes the vital importance of human capital through the consolidation and improvement of safety, continuity, quality and competence.


Control Union will be offering its CanadaGAP services in Canada, the United States, and Latin America. Please note that Control Union services will not be offered in Québec. 


Control Union joins three currently licensed Certification Bodies, NSF Canada Agricultural Certification Company (NSF Canada Ag), Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ), and Perry Johnson Registrars Food Safety Inc. (PJFSI) in offering CanadaGAP audits and certification. We encourage you to visit CanadaGAP’s CB webpage for more specifics.


For more information on Control Union, visit their website at


Contact the CanadaGAP office at with any questions.



 Source:  CanadaGAP June 13, 2022 news release

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 13 June 2022