Potato growers across Canada now have the option of applying Delegate insecticide by air for outstanding control of Colorado potato beetle and European corn borer.
“If a seed treatment was not used, or is not offering sufficient control of insects, plan to use Delegate insecticide in your crop. Delegate is a non-neonic product which provides rapid foliar control of target pests. This aerial application registration is an opportunity for applicators and growers to integrate an excellent new control measure with a unique mode of action into their programs,” says Mark Alberts, product manager at Dow AgroSciences.
The active ingredient in Delegate is spinetoram, a member of the spinosyn class of chemistry (Group 5) and controls a broad spectrum of pests by both contact and ingestion. It provides quick knockdown and residual activity in many fruit, vegetable and field crops, including potatoes. Delegate affects the insect nervous system, and no other class of products—organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids, neonicotinoids—affects the insect nervous system with the same mode of action as Delegate. It does not interact with the known binding sites of other classes of insecticide. Because of Delegate’s unique mode of action, it is an excellent rotational product that can be used in an IPM system.
Further information on Delegate is available at DowAgro.ca.
Source: Dow AgroSciences