If you’re a fresh vegetable grower, you’re invited to attend the annual general meeting (AGM) of the Fresh Vegetable Growers of Ontario. This year’s meeting will be hosted by Henk Droogendyk.
See details here:
Date: December 14, 2022
Meeting Start: 9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Droogendyk's Market Garden
314 8th Concession Road, Harley, ON N0E 1E0
Election of directors of the Association, discussion of financial reports and any other business that may arise will take place. Lunch will be provided.
There is no cost to attend but pre-registration for the meeting is required. Please use the link provided to complete your registration or visit the FVGO website at www.freshvegetablesontario.com. You may also call the office at 519-674-1500 Ext 63592 or email mmcdonal@uoguelph.ca. Registration closes December 8th, 2022
Source: Fresh Vegetable Growers of Ontario November 25, 2022 notice