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An unprecedented private-public coalition has marked a milestone on June 3, 2022 with the release of its proposed measures for the country’s first agri-food sustainability index. The work sets out the criteria that could inform foursustainability blocks for Canada’s agriculture and food sector: the environment, food integrity, economic and societalwell-being.


The Index will aim to show the sector’s progress to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, among a host ofenvironmental metrics, and it would also report on the safety of Canadian food, as well as food security, labourpriorities, and other sustainability-related priorities. The Index will report on a consolidated national basis, not onindividual farms or companies.


“Backing up Canada’s trusted food brand is paramount and can become a marketplace advantage,” says David McInnes, the coalition’s coordinator. “Ultimately, the Index is about giving confidence to people here and abroad about the actions being taken in Canada to advance sustainability.”


The report reflects the work undertaken since fall 2021. Some 20 indicators and 50 sub-indicators could form theproposed National Index on Agri- Food Performance, with the aim of broadly aligning with key United Nations’Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and investor-driven environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.


A pilot is expected to launch early 2023 to test the Index, refine its approach and broaden support for this novel tool.


For more information, visit or contact David McInnes, Coordinator, National Index on Agri-Food Performance:


Source: Canadian Produce Marketing Association June 3, 2022 news release

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 13 June 2022