Syngenta Canada Inc. is launching Orondis Ultra, a new fungicide for the control of oomycete diseases caused by downy mildews and Phytophthora species in potatoes and vegetables.
Orondis Ultra is a combination of the newly registered active ingredient, oxathiapiprolin, which belongs to the piperidinyl-thiazole-isoxazolines (Group U15) class of fungicides, and mandipropamid (Group 40), a leading active ingredient in the marketplace.
In field trials, oxathiapiprolin has demonstrated excellent preventative and residual control at use rates significantly lower than other currently available fungicides. Other benefits of oxathiapiprolin include no known cross-resistance to other fungicides and excellent rainfastness.
Orondis Ultra delivers translaminar and acropetal activity, moving across the leaf surface, as well as upwards into new growth via the plant’s water-conducting vessels. Both modes of action work in tandem to protect the growing canopy, protecting plants during periods of active growth.
Applied preventatively in potatoes, Orondis Ultra delivers an unprecedented 21 days of residual late blight control. Late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, is the single most damaging potato disease. The strong late blight control provided by Orondis Ultra allows growers to increase fungicide spray intervals and potentially reduce the overall number of fungicide applications targeting late blight.
“Throughout the growing season, weather conditions can bring about high levels of moisture and temperatures that allow late blight to thrive and develop,” says Eric Phillips, product lead, fungicides and insecticides, with Syngenta Canada. “The residual control that Orondis Ultra provides allows growers to proactively manage late blight.”
In addition to potatoes, Orondis Ultra can be used on head and stem brassica vegetables including broccoli and cabbage, bulb vegetables, such as onion and garlic, leafy vegetables, such as arugula and celery, and cucurbit vegetables, including cucumber and squash. See the Orondis UItra label for a complete list of crops and diseases.
Orondis Ultra will be available for sale in spring 2016.
For more information visit Syngenta.ca, contact your local Syngenta representative at 1‑87‑SYNGENTA
Source: Syngenta Canada news release