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A visit to Pure Flavor’s Fort Valley, Georgia greenhouse from US Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue heightened understanding of Canadian greenhouse know-how and importance of producing local produce.


“We had a really good first season a year ago with our Georgia crop,” stated  Jamie Moracci, president. “Customers and consumers alike enjoyed the ability to purchase locally grown vegetables throughout the winter months. Heading into season two, we are excited to be focused exclusively on tomatoes this year including the addition of our new RedRoyals Sweet Cherry Tomatoes on the Vine.”


“This greenhouse is impressive, very impressive,” said Sonny Perdue, U.S. secretary of agriculture. “It will enable them to grow locally here and provide fresh vegetables to our Georgia market year-round, this is a good location for them. “We are going to see more of this technology across the United States and we are honoured that Pure Flavor selected middle Georgia for their production. The investment and technology that goes into these facilities is tremendous, these folks have done their homework.”


The company has opened a new 60,000 square foot distribution center in Byron, Georgia to expand its reach across the southeastern United States. The facility is located 10 minutes from the 25-acre greenhouse and just three miles from I-75, a major throughway that feeds the eastern seaboard”, commented Matt Mastronardi, executive vice-president. Pure Flavor operates distribution centers in Leamington, Ontario, Romulus, Michigan and San Antonio, Texas.


Source:  Pure Flavor December 17, 2019 news release 

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 17 December 2019