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The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) recently announced the approval of URMULE registrations for Chloropicrin 100 Liquid Soil Fumigant and Pic Plus Fumigant  for control of root knot and root lesion nematodes and soil-borne diseases caused by Phytophthora spp., Fusarium spp., Pythium spp., and Thielaviopsis spp. in fields to be planted to bulb vegetables, cucurbit vegetables, pome fruit, stone fruit, forest nurseries and outdoor ornamentals In Canada. Chloropicrin 100 Liquid Soil Fumigant and Pic Plus Fumigant  were already labeled for use on a number of crops in Canada for control of nematodes and soil-borne diseases.


These minor use projects for bulb vegetables, cucurbits, pome fruit, stone fruit and outdoor ornamentals were sponsored by Ontario as a result of minor use priorities established by growers and extension personnel.


The following is provided as an abbreviated, general outline only. Users should be making pest management decisions within a robust integrated pest management program and should consult the complete label before using Chloropicrin 100 Liquid Soil Fumigant or Pic Plus Fumigant.

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After application leave the soil undisturbed for 10 to 14 days. At the end of the exposure period, aerate the soil by plowing or deep cultivation. If heavy rains accompanied by low temperatures occur during the exposure period, working the soil several times is essential for thorough aeration. Aerate for at least 5 days after opening row.


Chloropicrin 100 Liquid Soil Fumigant and Pic Plus Fumigant are toxic to aquatic organisms and small wild animals. Do not apply this product or allow drift to other crops or non-target areas. Do not contaminate off-target areas or aquatic habitats when applying or when cleaning and rinsing spray equipment or containers.


There are considerable and detailed label directions for this restricted use product including worker protection, field preparation, buffer zone and field notification requirements. Follow all precautions and detailed directions for use on the Chloropicrin 100 Liquid Soil Fumigant and Pic Plus Fumigant labels carefully.


For a copy of the new minor use labels contact your local crop specialist, regional supply outlet or visit the PMRA label site

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Submitted by Jim Chaput on 23 April 2017