Inspectors of Ontario grape growers will be looking for adherence to label directions: crop, rate, number of applications, application method, application interval, PHI, REI, PPE, buffer zones, etc.
- A partnership between multiple farm organizations has created a new awareness campaign as growers head to the fields. Be Drift Aware is intended to remind growers to be sensitive to the unintentional aerial movement of plant protection products.
- The PMRA has approved a minor label expansion for increased lateral bud break, improved branch angles and tree structure, and branching of nursery stock and non-bearing orchard trees.
- Frontier Max herbicide label has been expanded via Minor Use Program to help manage labelled weeds on dry bulb shallots in Canada.
- Gowan Canada is launching a broad-spectrum, rapid knockdown miticide that will be useful in a broad range of crops, including grapes, blueberries, strawberries and apples.