Ron Lemaire, president, Canadian Produce Marketing Association, complimented the resiliency of the fresh produce sector midst global challenges in his State of the Industry speech during 2024 Fresh Week in Vancouver, BC.
- Dr. John Cline shares information on his most recent trials with a plant growth regulator for peaches and nectarines, that could shave 40 to 50 per cent off the time required to hand thin.
- Ontario growers will appreciate the updated pigweed species ID guide, complete with photos and county-by-county maps where resistance has been found.
- The Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers’ Association has released a new study highlighting the sustainability of Ontario fruits and vegetables. Growers are using a wide range of environmentally sustainable practices on-farm.
- Wageningen University is challenging global teams to deliver sustainable vegetable production with artificial intelligence. This year’s focus is dwarf tomatoes.