The Grape Growers of Ontario is planning for the future by sponsoring a Next-Generation Committee. Jessica Solanki, chair, shares how the committee are developing leadership skills, advocating for ag careers and communicating about impacts of…
- After a year of criss-crossing the country, talking to farmers and experts, Senator Robert Black says that a report on soil health is expected in 2024.
- FERME Québec executive director Fernando Borja, discusses the pilot project that is responsible for bringing more than 16,000 temporary foreign workers from Guatemala to the province in 2023.
- In this Digging Deeper podcast, Justin Cantafio, executive director of Farmers' Markets of Nova Scotia, shares a perspective on the economic and social impact of farmers' markets.
- Peter Quiring, Nature Fresh Farms, Leamington, ON, is talking with The Grower about his ambition to grow blackberries, raspberries and leafy greens under glass. He explains how a group of world-class specialists is helping to make that vision a…