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On November 24, Health Canada proposed a phase-out of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid, most commonly known by the brand name Admire. This insecticide is commonly used for managing Colorado potato beetle, an insect which chews the foliage of potato plants. 


Health Canada says the levels of the pesticide being found in waterways across the country is harmful to aquatic insects, such as mayflies and midges. The phase-out may be extended to five years if there are no alternative pest-control products.


Health Canada has launched a 90-day comment period and will hold stakeholder forums.


Reviews on two other neonicotinoids have also been launched, namely clothianidin (Titan) and thiamethoxam (Actara).


 “Growers are concerned about implied trade disadvantages if residue limits are not also revoked on imported commodities from nations who do not also restrict use, if the Pest Management Regulatory Agency moves ahead on their proposal,” says Craig Hunter, Research and Crop Protection, Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association. 

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Submitted by The Grower on 30 November 2016