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Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has amended its Proposed Re-evaluation Decision for chlorothalonil PRVD2011-14 based on revised occupational and residential risk assessments with more information relevant to the potential effects of chlorothalonil on human health, particularly via dermal exposure. Based on the revised risk assessments, the PMRA has determined that under the revised conditions of use, some agricultural uses of chlorothalonil do not present unacceptable risks to human health. These horticultural uses include asparagus, carrot, celery (seedbeds only), cucurbits, ginseng, mushroom, parsnip, potato, strawberry and tomato. Based on the results of the risk assessments for postapplication workers and the general public, PMRA is proposing to cancel the following uses: blueberry (highbush), blueberry (lowbush), celery (field), cherry (sweet and sour), Cole crops, corn (sweet), cranberry, nectarine, onion (dry and green) and peach.


The PMRA will accept comments and proposals until June 10, 2016.
CHC will be working with members over the upcoming weeks to prepare a response to PMRA on this proposed decision. The work will be accomplished on your behalf by the CHC-Crop Protection Advisory Committee (CPAC). For more information contact André Bourbonnière at

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Submitted by The Grower on 27 April 2016