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The annual general meeting of CanAgPlus, the not-for-profit corporation that owns and operates the CanadaGAP Program, was held virtually on December 2, 2020. The chair of the board continues to be Stephanie Lariviere, Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers/Erie James Ltd. 


CanadaGAP program participants elected two new and two returning directors to the CanAgPlus Board.


Congratulations to the following individuals:


·       Alvin Keenan, Rollo Bay Holdings

·       Jody Mott, Holland Marsh Growers’ Association

·       Susan Ranck, Ranck and Associates

·       Scott Wright, Star Produce


Director Cathy McKay (chair of the 2020 Stakeholder Advisory Committee) and Director Mike Furi (vice-chair of the Board of Directors for 2020) are retiring from the Board. 


Newly elected board members will serve a two-year term through to December 2022. 


The 2020 Annual Report can be accessed at:



If you have any questions, call the CanadaGAP office at 613-829-4711 or send an email at


Source:  CanAgPlus December 7, 2020 news release

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 7 December 2020