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CFIA seeks feedback on draft National Potato Wart Response Plan


The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) recently launched a public consultation on a draft National Potato Wart Response Plan. This draft plan proposes new measures to improve the processes the Agency uses to help contain, control, and prevent the spread of potato wart.


Potato wart is an extremely persistent soil-borne fungus that may reduce yield and potato tuber quality on farms. It can spread through the movement of soil, farm equipment, and potatoes from fields that have potato wart.


This public consulation is the next step in the CFIA's commitment to a full review of its approach for potato wart based on current science, international standards, and new technologies.


Proposed new measures included in this draft plan would be applied to fields following the detection of potato wart and an investigation to restrict its potential spread. These measures include:


-  the use of resistant potato varieties;


-  increased soil analysis; and


-  additional equipment cleanliness requirements.


The CFIA has continued to engage the Canadian Potato Council, the Prince Edward Island (PEI) Potato Board and the Province of PEI, and other industry stakeholders as the response plan was prepared for consultation. The draft plan also incorporates recommendations from the International Advisory Panel on Potato Wart in PEI and input received during a consultation on three potato wart risk management documents earlier this year.


All feedback received during this consultation will be considered as the plan is finalized. Once it is, a transition process for PEI growers impacted by potato wart will be developed to assist growers in moving from the current Potato Wart Domestic Long Term Management Plan to the new response plan. The final plan will apply to new detections of potato wart anywhere in Canada, other than Newfoundland and Labrador.


The CFIA welcomes input and questions on the draft plan until the close of the consultation period on July 26, 2024.


Source:  Canadian Food Inspection Agency June 20, 2024 news release

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 24 June 2024