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Brian Gilroy, president, Canadian Horticultural Council
Brian Gilroy, president, Canadian Horticultural Council

The Canadian Horticultural Council has some new faces at the table for 2019.  Ontario apple grower Brian Gilroy remains president while Ontario greenhouse cucumber grower Jan VanderHout moves into the vice-president’s role. 


They are joined by the following directors:  Marcus Janzen and Peter Simonsen, British Columbia; Beth Connery and David Hoekstra, Prairies; Bill George, Ontario; Stephanie Levasseur and Jocelyn St-Denis, Quebec; Gerald Dykerman and one more to be announced for the Maritimes.  

Chairs of the various committees are as follows:


Ken Forth, Trade and Marketing Committee

Mark Wales, Business Risk Management Committee

Nathan Warkentin, Energy, Environment and Climate Change Committee

Jody Mott, Industry Standards and Food Safety Committee

Beth Connery, Labour Committee

Jason Smith, Crop, Plant Protection and Environment Committee 

Linda Delli Santi, Greenhouse Committee

Joanne Driscoll, Vegetable Committee

Bill Zylmans, Potato Committee

Brian Gilroy, Apple and Fruit Committee


The next annual general meeting will be held from March 10-12, 2020 in Ottawa.

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 9 March 2019