Agriculture and agri-food’s contributions to the gross domestic product (GDP) are impressive indeed, and they’re repeated often by the sector. The latest figures, from 2016, show agriculture and agri-food generated almost $112 billion of GDP and accounted for nearly seven per cent of Canada's total GDP.
Politicians should be constantly reminded about them when making policy.
But let’s not expect dollar figures to be public figures’ focus when they speak publicly about food production. In fact, let’s hope they’re not. Food and farming’s support of the economy is not the only thing consumers want to hear from politicians, if indeed they want to hear it at all.
Yet on Canada’s Ag Day in February, both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and opposition leader Erin O’Toole drew criticism for heaping praise and respect on farmers, instead of pointing out the economic value of agri-food to Canadians.
They were called out for mouthing platitudes about the agri-food sector, and for not underlining it’s an advanced technology user.
I say their critics are wrong. I think people want to hear the very things that the politicians are being chastised for saying, and Trudeau and O’Toole know it.
Here’s why. As the local food movement continues to grow, “big” is not what people think of regarding agriculture and food. Commodity groups know that. You don’t hear them boast to the public about the size of their industry.
Instead, you hear them say things like farmers are your neighbours, that the food they produce is safe and wholesome, and that families are behind almost everything that makes its way to your plate. Those are the kinds of things Trudeau and O’Toole said. They’re also facts, the kind of facts people want to hear.
Now, that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t know about technology and have at least an understanding of how the many moving parts of the agri-food sector come together to keep us nourished and functioning.
It should, but it doesn’t. Although technology is absolutely essential for the kind of food production that feeds millions, it sounds cold. It doesn’t leave consumers with a warm and fuzzy feeling. And neither do impressive-sounding statistics about agri-food’s significant contribution to the economy.
That’s where agricultural education and agricultural literacy come in. In early March, the federal government ponied up $1.6 million over two years to kick off Agriculture Literacy Month. Specifically, the month is earmarked for agricultural education in classrooms across the country.
It's unlikely business columnists will pay much attention. But the classroom is where future consumers will start learning about the vast agri-food sector. And once they start buying food on their own, they’ll be savvy enough to make informed choices.
In other words, they’ll be agriculturally literate. They’ll have the capacity to, for example, have a perspective on local food and on global exports, both of which are essential for a healthy, productive agri-food system.
And what better place to get started on the drive towards an agriculturally literate society than school?
There will never be enough money for such an effort. Break down this latest government investment over two years, across the entire country, and it becomes clear much more is needed.
But maybe it’s the best Ottawa figures it can do right now.
Some business writers will hold their nose at federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau’s upbeat quote connected to her department’s support for Agriculture Literacy Month.
“It is absolutely essential that young Canadians understand where their food comes from,” she said. “They must know what farmers’ work consists of and how hard they work to take care of their animals and our environment…to provide us with high-quality food. I encourage our young people to take an interest in the many job opportunities available to them on farms and in mechanics, electronics and engineering, science, animal and plant health and much more!”
Maybe it’s “small” talk to some. But I think it’s right on. Educate young Canadians about agriculture so they mature into knowledgeable consumers. That will enhance the depth and meaning of an agriculture celebration.