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Estimates for Canadian apple harvest are up 6.5 per cent year to year



The Canadian crop estimate is 20.7 million bushels which is up 6.5 per cent from 2023 and up 7 per cent from the five-year average.


The season has definitely come with some challenges,” says Brian Rideout, chair, Ontario Apple Growers. “It looks like the western side of the province is seven to 14 days ahead of last year and even ahead of historical start days. On the other hand, the eastern side of the province is closer to normal. With abundance of rain in some areas and dry in others, it’s quite the mixed answer of disease and pest pressure.”


Rideout adds, “The loss of some tried-and-true crop protection products that worked much better in such a variety of weather conditions is changing our Integrated Pest Management programs. We will have to adjust for next season and hope for the best.”


In Ontario, growers are hoping for a better year in terms of profitability. “2023 was beyond tough for apple growers,” says Rideout. “Returns to growers have been at record lows.”


He points to intense pressure from imports, inflation, and increases on all inputs. The Ontario Apple Growers is hiring a third-party consultant to do an in-depth economic analysis.


“Food security in Canada is often forgotten about when there are tough economic times,” says Rideout. “We all feel it – from the growers down to the consumers and all points in between.” 


Estimate by province is:


  •  British Columbia crop is estimated to be 3.7 million bushels up 1% from 2023.


  •  Ontario crop is estimated to be 8.7 million bushels, up 0.6% from 2023


  •  Québec is estimated to be 5.7 million bushels up 29% from 2023.


  •  New Brunswick crop is estimated to be 222,000 bushels which is same as 2023.


  •  Nova Scotia crop is estimated to be 2.4 million bushels which is down 5% from 2023.


Source:  Ontario Apple Growers August 27, 2024 newsletter

Copyright The Grower 


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 28 August 2024