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BASF Canada Inc. (BASF) has been granted a new label expansion for Frontier Max herbicide for control of annual grasses and key broadleaf weeds in potatoes. 


In addition to its expanded label on potatoes, Frontier Max is also registered for use on corn, soybeans, dry beans, onions, cabbage and grapes. 


“Potato growers continue to look for new solutions for their weed control challenges, and we believe Frontier Max will help our customers to address many of these needs,” commented Scott Hodgins, BASF horticulture crop manager. “At the same time, the addition of potatoes to the Frontier Max label will help our retail customers to more effectively manage their inventories.” 


With the addition of potatoes to the Frontier Max label, BASF will phase out Outlook herbicide from the marketplace.


For more information about Frontier Max herbicide, visit or contact your retailer.


Source:  BASF September 21, 2018 news release 

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Submitted by The Grower on 25 September 2018