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Grape crops
Grape crops

Gatten, a unique mode-of-action fungicide, has been granted registration for control of powdery mildew in grapes, cherries, and cucurbits. 


This product is a much-needed new chemistry that will allow grape and cherry growers to continue to effectively manage powdery mildew as other chemistries exit the market or face new restrictions. As the first and only FRAC Group U13 fungicide, Gatten controls powdery mildew that may have developed tolerance to Group 3, 7 or 11 fungicides and has shown no cross-resistance to existing products. 


“Whether because of increasing tolerance to some chemistries or the removal of other products from the market, the unfortunate reality is that growers have fewer effective fungicide options than they did even a few years ago,” observed Scott Hodgins, manager of Cohort Wholesale. “When you combine Gatten’s performance with its new mode-of-action, this is going to be an excellent powdery mildew tool for Canadian farmers.” 


Gatten inhibits the powdery mildew pathogen from absorbing nutrients from cherries and grapes, making it impossible for the pathogen to grow and expand. It also limits the development and dispersion of viable spores, helping to break the disease cycle. Additionally, Gatten has translaminar movement which provides protection to both sides of the leaf and improves control, especially when foliage is dense. 


Technical and sales support for Gatten is provided by Cohort Wholesale. In 2021, Cohort’s technical sales team worked with grape and cherry growers across Canada to establish an extensive field-scale research authorization program. Even under extremely high powdery mildew pressure, Gatten provided excellent control, and grower cooperators were also pleased with how the product handled and mixed in their spray tanks. 


With a 12-hour re-entry interval and short pre-harvest intervals, growers using Gatten will be able to more easily time the other activities that are happening in their orchards and vineyards as well. 

For more information about Gatten fungicide, visit or contact your crop inputs retailer. 


Source: Cohort Wholesale March 28, 2022 news release


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 28 March 2022