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Tractor and spraying machine

The minor use priority setting workshop for March 24-26 was cancelled, however work continues explains Dr. Marcos Alvarez, executive director research, Pest Management Centre (PMC). Here is his statement to stakeholders. 


“During the COVID-19 pandemic, PMC is making every effort to maintain regular operations while supporting the Government of Canada’s public health efforts. While our work continues during this time, we like many others, are facing challenges working remotely and, as such, it is only prudent to advise you that there may be delays. Rest assured that the PMC is working hard to adjust to these challenges until operations return to normal.”


“With regards to the selection of priorities in lieu of a face-to face meeting, we are taking alternative measures that will still allow the identification of priorities. Last week, we held a conference call with the Provincial Minor Use Coordinators (PMUCs) to discuss mechanisms by which priorities could be selected. We have agreed upon the first step, which entails having the Provincial Minor Use Coordinators  enter the critical “C” priorities in the three national lists (Pathology, Entomology, and Weed Science) with input from their provincial/national stakeholders (growers, grower representatives, etc.).”


“Should you wish to receive copies of the lists, please contact Christine Gagnon at PMC will collect the lists and compile the results into one list per discipline in preparation for the next steps which will be determined in the coming days and weeks as we engage further with the PMUCs, the Minor Use  Technical Working Group, and the Canadian Horticultural Council Advisory Committee.”


“We have also met with our IR-4 colleagues in order to evaluate the possibility of developing an online process for the selection of priorities, similar to the one used by IR-4.”


“We are also looking into a mechanism for the selection of Global priorities for the Global Minor Use Workshop which is scheduled for September 2020 in Minneapolis. The first step in this process is due on April 30th, 2020.”


“We will try to communicate as much as possible with all stakeholders, as new developments arise.”

Source:  Pest Management Centre March 25, 2020 update to stakeholders 

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 25 March 2020