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Brown marmorated stink bug is an invasive pest that has made its way to Ontario. In the U.S., it has caused economic injury in many agricultural crops, including tree fruit and vegetables. Our surveys over the last few years as well as confirmed homeowner finds indicate that it is established in many parts of southern Ontario. Early field detection is important in limiting economic injury. In addition to regular scouting on your farm, traps for monitoring both nymphs and adults are available. These can help you to identify locally established populations and take necessary action.

We have a limited number of traps and associated supplies available for use by interested growers and consultants this year.

If interested in participating, you will be required to:
• Set up the trap(s) (instructional video provided)
• Check trap(s) weekly
• Collect any insects in the trap
• Take a digital picture of any suspects
• Keep suspects, send in your pictures via email

Traps should be set up by June and taken down in September. They are easy to use, and are a good compliment to field monitoring. For more information on BMSB, visit

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Submitted by The Grower on 1 April 2016